Its been rather busy lately with work and the little man, so not had much time to drive. Had one Sunday afternoon to make some cosmetic updates, like the side vents, wind winds, stone guards and add the plates.
So far I have driven it to work once, and also took the father in-law out one afternoon when he came round, it was more "how's the car getting on?" "oh its done and passed, wanna go for a little drive?" needless to say he was rather speechless when we got back. :P
Then I took it out for another, longer drive round some local lanes last Sunday. Although it was bitter cold, 3 deg's it was a lovely sunny drive. I treated the car with respect and it drove really well.
With the days getting shorter, I can't see many more miles clocking up. So far I have done 190 miles.
Still need to sort out the idle/cruising idle as its still not 100%. But that's bolt on EFI for you. great when set up properly........ Still got to do that bit. But it runs fine away from idle speeds
May even look into the hardtop as I could have used it a bit more this month. :P
As soon as the shortest day has passed, I'll know summer is on its way! :)
Bring on 2011.
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