As I had great success with the alternator, I thought I'd spend a few days having a little tidy up of the engine.
The EFI rails were a little dull and there were a few spots of corrosion on the inlet manifold.
EFI system was all added after Ken at EDA had rebuilt and Dynoed the engine on carb set up, so the EFI part was a little dirtier than the new clean block.
First to get some TLC was the Throttle body. This was to come off and the first to balls up.

I thought it would be easier to clean if I removed the butterfly flaps. The first screw started to undo then near the end it seized and sheared off. BUGGER. I only then realised that the threads must be modified so they can't fall out and get into the engine. I managed to drill out the remains of the thread and find out what size screw it is from the Cobra club forums. 6/32 UNC thread. Lucky I have a great bolts store close by.
That replaced and the screwdrivers put away, I continued to clean it up.

There was some corrosion that I couldn't get off as it was in small gaps, wire brush couldnt get to.
I had also failed on the inlet manifold with the brushes. So I started searching for tips online.
I tried Wonder Wheels but wasn't much use on corrosion, then few days later I found a company that sell
Alu-Bright. Its designed for cleaning corroded cast ali. (Just what I needed) Its strong acid and pretty nasty, but it did the trick. A final wire brush brought it up to a shine.
The injector holes were bunged up with rag and then siliconed over.

The EFI fuel rail was polished up with some Autosol and re fitted. Now the rocker covers looked tired.

(love the Ali roller rockers)

So off with them and out with the Hammerite spray.

The Lettering was sprayed over and then the paint sanded off with 15oo and a flat block in one direction.
Clear lacquer was applied with a cotton bud to the bare metal to seal it. Clear lacquer reacts with Hammerite, don't ask me how I know!!! lol.

Shame it has to go back under the bench for now. Oh well , not for long hopefully!