It was comfy and warm! I will deffo be sticking my nose in under his dash to see his electric engine bay vent mod opperated by a cheeky little window switch!
We had a nice run down, 2 cars set off, Pete (sidecarbod) and Graham (Chedz), we then hooked up with a 3rd chap, Seb in his Sumo on the A3 in Guildford and picked up our 4th car, Jeff at clacket lane services. 4 cars thundering along was a great feeling. The skies tried to scare us away but we pushed on through and WON! Just makes me want to get mine on the road so badly.
Pete- Blue / Graham-black / Seb-stripes
Couldn't get a shot of Pete cos he was too busy speeding off trying to clock up some points. :)
The show was good but not heaving, so I had a chance to get a few bits to muck about with. Good place to buy stuff as most stuff is a lot cheaper than normal. Still spent more than enough though. :)
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