One of my big worries was how and were to fit the ECU and excess loom.
Now the body is on, I can see how much there was and it curled up nicely with the ECU fitting flush against the bulkhead. (old photo)

Now I had to work out fixing it. The ECU has 2 holes for bolting. However, this would mean trying to drill holes behind the distributor and have screw heads or nuts in plain sight. So I opted to use some stuff I have used at work that is stronger than Velcro and works really well. "3M Dual lock".

Also as I can't fit the washer bottle in the normal place, I ran some hose into the dash area and the other end to the Expansion tank as that's where the new one is going to be.

I then fitted the pump, wrapped in sound proofing sheet inside next to the ECU and stuck it with the same Dual Lock.

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